Employment does not only refer to putting a person in a work situation and giving wages. In fact it is a process of matching the skills and abilities of a particular individual with the skill requirements of a job. It involves a number of steps, which needs to be planned and executed very carefully. These are:
1. Vocational counselling : There are some persons with MR, who may not take a realistic view of their future vocational goals or they may misunderstand the nature of certain jobs. Job titles can be confusing. The counsellor must help the person with mentally challenged to establish a reasonable plan for future employment taking into consideration the person's limitations and strengths.
2. Work evaluation : Sometimes it is necessary for the person with MR to be evaluated in preparation for determining his future job plans. Factors such as desire to work, level of mentally challenged, personality characteristics, personal and work habits, previous training and education and influence of the family are all observed and assessed by the evaluator. When this evaluation is completed it will provide a realistic plan for preparing the person for future employment.
3. Personal adjustment training : After the person with MR has been evaluated it may be necessary to provide some personal training that will help him present a better appearance and be more acceptable for employment. This training should include such points as conduct in social situations, the importance of regularity in attendance and punctualityand other areas, which are part of work preparation.
4. Vocational training : Those who receive vocational training are being specifically prepared for work. Some actual vocational training may be provided in the classroom; in other cases specific tasks may be taught which are closely related to a particular type of job. One way that has been found to be very useful in job training for the person with mentally challenged is by the use of sheltered workshop programmes. These workshops provide both work training as well as employment opportunities for them. For those not capable of competing for jobs, the sheltered workshop is designed to assign work in an employment- simulated setting to train these individuals until they reach the point of being acceptable for competitive employment in the labour market. For whatever reasons there will be individuals who, regardless of the degree of their training will not be capable of competing. Many of them become reliable workers but they must still work in a sheltered work environment. These individuals however can work along with those who are in the sheltered workshops programmes and who are being trained for eventual placement into community jobs.
5. On-the-job training : The best type of training is that which takes place on the job. For those who are able to tolerate and withstand normal work pressure under supervision, on-the-job training may be the best approach.
When a person with MR enters a new set up, e.g. joins an office as an office assistant, he may require the support of the trainer/educator to begin with, until he gets accustomed to the work and work habits. A step-by-step break up of the job responsibility maybe helpful to understand the job and its requirements better.