Errors of metabolism too cause mentally challenged. They involve inheritance of a defective gene unable to produce enzymes or proteins that are needed for critical cell functions. Scientists have identified more than 300 gene disorders involving inborn errors of metabolism.
Single-gene disorders (sometimes called inborn errors of metabolism or Mendelian disorders) are caused by non-working genes. Disorders of metabolism occur when cells are unable to produce proteins or enzymes needed to change certain chemicals into others or to carry substances from one place to another. The cell's inability to carry out these vital internal functions often results in mentally challenged. Approximately 1 in 5,000 children are born with defective enzymes resulting in inborn errors of metabolism. Although many conditions are generally referred to as "genetic disorders," single-gene disorders are the most easy to identify as true genetic disorders since they are caused by a mutation (or a change) within a single gene or a gene pair.
Some of these are:
Hypernatremic Dehydration
In Hypernatremia, there is a great loss of water in the body. In the majority of cases, the total body sodium is below normal. The key to the treatment of Hypernatremia is slow correction of the serum sodium concentration. When Hypernatremic dehydration occurs, the brain shrinks. Communicating vessels may tear and hemorrhage may occur.
Congenital Hypothyroidism
It is also called cretinism and is a condition in which there is mentally challenged and challenge of growth. There is failure to thrive in infancy and can lead to progressive challenge in adults. It is one of the most known causes of mentally challenged. It is caused by a deficiency of thyroxin secreted by the thyroid gland. Cretinism can be caused by a number of different metabolic errors all of which result in a similar clinical picture. The child with cretinism will be of challenged growth, apathetic, poor at feeding and sucking and a noisy breather due to a large tongue which protrudes. Severe mentally challenged may occur.